Will be obliged to give it to the carrier only if want ‘The reason why he writes the word with money

চাহিবামাত্র ইহার বাহককে ১ হাজার টাকা দিতে বাধ্য থাকিবে

You must have noticed the writing written in the money, ‘You will be obliged to give it to the carrier only if you want’. But have you ever thought, why this word is written on all the money notes except 1, 2 and 5 taka? Know the easy answer to this question.

We know that Bangladesh Bank is the only institution to print currency in Bangladesh. The thing is, what is this currency? It’s good for everyone to have an idea about what currency means. The government currencies of Bangladesh are two.

1, 2 and 5 taka notes or coins are government currency and the rest are the bill of exchange printed by Bangladesh Bank in exchange for an equal amount of money. Bangladesh Bank prints note against money. So it is the responsibility of Bangladesh Bank to the people of Bangladesh.

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Think you can’t trust banknotes for some reason. That’s why you deposited a 100 taka note in the Bangladesh Bank counter and asked for an exchange. Bangladesh Bank will be free from liability by giving you the same amount of 1, 2 and 5 taka to its carrier. 

This is the main thing. Let’s explain this a little more. When Bangladesh Bank releases a note in the market, it takes the same amount of 1,2 and 5 taka notes or coins from the government account. Again, when 1, 2 and 5 takas are discounted in the market, the same amount of notes are deposited in the government account.

That means Bangladesh Bank takes money from the government and exempts money. According to him, the same amount of money notes in the market (1, 2 and 5) are reserved in the vault of Bangladesh Bank. So, even if all the notes are deposited in the bank, Bangladesh Bank can provide 1 and 2 taka coins/notes.

1, 2 and 5 taka is taka, and the rest are bills of exchange. And that’s why 1, 2 and 5 taka notes don’t say ‘you will be bound to give it to the carrier only if you want’. The rest of the notes are written correctly.

টাকার উপর লেখা থাকে ”চাহিবামাত্র ইহার বাহককে দিতে বাধ্য থাকিবে”

এটা টাকার উপর কেন লেখা থাকে? এই প্রশ্নটা সবার মনেই বেঁধে রয়েছে। আসলে কেহই প্রশ্নে সঠিক উত্তরটি জানেনা।

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